Yup, you're back Alisya. I am back.
It's been.. 5 years since I wrote here. Banyak benda yang jadi in 5 years time. Funny enough I am overwhelmed with this excitement to write again. I read through all the previous posts yang I marked as Drafts when I decided to revamp this whole blog. Nah bukti:-
It's my safe space, it's where my teenage self felt expressive to just write anything she had in mind. Mixed feelings kan?
Tapi kan, I'm happy I created this blog. I love how my younger self being so care-free. In fact, I don't know who am I talking to all those years. Macam ada Main Character Syndrome pulak sebab fefeeling macam ada orang baca kan. But hey, I am the one who reads those silly write ups. Haha.
After I read everything, I've decided to finally do something about this blog. It holds so much memories that I don't want to leave it wasted. Here I am with a whole new look. Tak lah new look sangat but I guess the pinky pink phase is finally over~ I am no longer pinky girlish Alisya dah. For reference:-
Tak lah beza sangat pun kan. I just changed the color. Lebih emo dan acah acah gothic gitu. Now onto the reality. Life was super fun 5 years back. I stopped writing when I went to foundation.
Foundation was fun.
Degree was fun.
I had a lot of good memories, good friends. I even outgrew some friendships bcs things aren't just like the way it used to be. Obviously, I masih people pleaser macam waktu my teenage years cs I just can't stop that trait kan. Pastu 2020-2021 covid era~ let's take that into other posts shall we?
And yup, I dah jadi lawyer! Kita dah jadi lawyer dah Alisya! Remember those times where you wanted to become a software engineer and pursue your degree dkat University of Edinburgh? Yup. Allah has better plan for us. I am so proud that we are finally here. Things are different now. Kita dah tak cringe macam dulu that's for sure. Kita dah start doing so many new things that you (Alisya 19 tahun) would never think you would do in your young adult years.
We met a lot of people. Yang baik dengan kita, yang nak gunakan kita, yang memang nak maki kita. Macam-macamlah~
Anyways, I've now ran out of ideas to write. Macam I cakaplah, I overwhelm sebab there's so many things to update. But I know for sure the purpose of this blog has now changed. It's no longer to please anyone or the non existent audience. Yup, I am writing this for me and myself instead. Supaya Alisya yang 30, 35, 40, 45 tahun nanti boleh baca, how 24 years old Alisya berfikir. Just like how I am cringing at my 17-19 years old self. Manalah tahu, in future anak Mama (lah jauh fikir) baca benda ni pastu cam Ya Allah cringe nya mak aku. Elok sikit eh~ your mom is slaying her young adults years. So adala kan benda yg boleh cakap or quote sama macam Ibu buat kat I. Hshshshhs
Maybe jussst a bit life update - we still do some yapping. Dulu through blog kan? Now through our youtube channel~~ tapi I stopped having the thoughts of monetizing my content la sebab penat gila wei nak keep up with content creating. It's too much for me. Instead, I suka vlog benda yang I memang nak tengok as kenangan je. Especially when it comes to traveling. For reference,
Lurveee. Ibu finally gave me permission to travellll tapi kena ada sebab yang kukuh la...
Okay Alisya let's stop here shall we. I nak gi masak sebab today I broke. Ye, waktu 24 tahun ni kita memang manjangggg broke. Penat aku dgan financial crisis. Semoga Alisya lebih pandai menguruskan wang. Amin.
With Love,